Monday, April 7, 2014

February 24, 2014

heisann, går det bra med dere?

well it has been another week. To put words to this week would be too difficult. It has been too amazing but yet such a challenge. We had a lot of contacting time this week and so I think have done a lot of personal thinking.
I am so grateful I am here in Norway. I am grateful for my companuions who are so loving kind and compassionate. I am grateful for the love and mercy sister rupp has showed me so that I could personally learn of the Love and mercy of the Savior. This has helped me and has changed my life. I now know that when a situation bugs me instead of getting mad at that person I can just kneel down to the Lord and tell Him how I feel.  I realize how much He loves each one of us individually and how much He listens. It has been really great to be here because I really have learned that I can tell anything to the Lord that I can share my deepest feelings and desires amd I can just give them to the Lord.

Also..........when you think of the plan of salvation it shows how it just makes sense that we have so many weaknesses. For example I have only lived twenty years away from Gods presence. My whole existence before this life was with Him under His care and concern. So it makes sense that sometimes I doubt, but I am progressing to come to a  knowledge  that He lives the same way I had that knowledge when I was with Him in Heaven. Also it makes a lot of sense with communication I feel that communication is something that is a cahllenge for all of us. That is because I feel that in a way before we lived here on eatrth we were able to communicate all of our thoughts and feelings in a perfect language. It is such a challenge to be here on earth and use an imperfect language to communiate what you feel. It just makes so much sense.

moses 6

 65 And thus he adam was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was aborn of the Spirit, and became quickened in the binner man.

 67 And thou art after the aorder of him who was without beginning of days or end of years, from all eternity to all eternity.

 68 Behold, thou art aone in me, a son of God; and thus may all become my bsons. Amen.
God desires that we can all become His son so that we can inherit all that the father hath. This is our purpose to be one day as good as our father. What does this mean to you personally?

I am just kind of sharing my testimony because not much happened this week. My companion was sick. Our investigators are progressing and we have some really posxitive people it is just great. We found a man from china this week who is looking for God and it is seriously just amazing. We gave him a book of mormon and he is going to read it. We are excited for our most positive progressor to decide to get baptized soon she is super cool.

thanks for tuning in.

this week go out with the missionaries on a teach. I know if you do that you will have a greater understanding of Gods love to His children and a greater undersatnding of God and His plan for you here on this earth.

love you all
søster shaw

Jeg vet at Gud lever. Jeg vet han bryr om hver eneste av oss. Vi er hans barn. Vi kan arve alt han har hvis vi stoler på Guds nåde kjærlighet og barmhjertighet. Men vi må tro på Jesus Kristus. Vi må rense oss gjennom Jesu Kristi forsoning, gjennom omvendelse. Vi må bli døpt til å innga en pakt med Gud til å vise ham at vi elsker ham og nå er en del av hans rike. Vi må få den hellige ånd til a få den gleden som Gud vil at vi har. og vi må holde ut til enden slik at vi kan få enda mer glede når vi reiser hjemm til vår far som ga oss liv
unnskyld hvis jeg tok feil med å skrive. vi snakker ikke skriver Norsk

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