Saturday, July 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

Dear family,
Happy mothers day to all you great moms out there! I love you all.
Many miracles have happened this week. Today we are meeting with two people that do not believe in God and I am so EXCITED! today we went and visited a castle and learned about the history behind this beautiful city of trondheim. I love you all so much.
Yesterday the stake relief society president talked to us and she talked about a story about these african children. They put a beautful bowl of fruit in the middle and with a group of african children. They told them that the person who would reach the fruit bowl first would get all the fruit.  What happnede astonished everyone. the children held hands and all toughed the fruit bowl together and they said a word that means. if one is not happy then the others are not happy. This was a really cool thing. I want to develop this attitude stronger in myself and I know that if one is not happy then the others are not happy
Today I ate whale. Did you all know that you can eat whale raw. and many hunters would take off pieces of the whale and just eat it right after they caught it. Yumm delicious.
love you all
søster shaw

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